Did you know that 83% of Americans consider having a yard important? Of people who own a yard, 90% think that it’s important to keep it well maintained. There are many ways to take care of your yard. Mowing your lawn, weeding the flowerbed, and trimming the hedges are all important, but there’s one landscaping action that is often overlooked.
How To Use Bark Dust
Bark dust is an alternative to mulching. It uses waste bark from the logging industry that has been pulverized into powder for the purpose of protecting and fertilizing plants. It is administered by a process called bark dust blowing, which involves an air powered delivery system that is quick and efficient. So, what are some reasons you should bark dust your yard?
- Weed Suppressant
When you hire bark blowers to bark dust your yard, they will cover the potential sources of weeds with a coat of bark dust. This will block sunlight from reaching weed seeds, halting irritating weed growth in its path.
- Weed Suppressant
- Moisture Moderation
In the heavy rain, bark dust will absorb a lot of it, keeping your plants from flooding. On the other hand, bark dust is excellent at retaining moisture for long periods of time. That means when it is dry out and you’re worried about your plants not getting enough water, the layer of bark dust will keep them hydrated.
- Moisture Moderation
- Topsoil Protection
There can be big problems with your topsoil in heavy rain. Any downhill runoff can carry topsoil that you need for your garden. Bark dust dampens the effect that rainwater has on topsoil.
- Topsoil Protection
- Nutrients
As bark dust decomposes, the nutrients will absorb into the soil. This can make for healthier topsoil and plants that grow stronger and more vibrant than before.
Whatever the size of your project, the bark blowers Portland and many other locations rely on for quality are available to answer any questions. If you need a landscaping project that takes your property to the next level, you should consider calling today. Whether you want to bark dust around your bushes, or simply save the flower bed from festering weeds, we can help.