How much barkdust do we need?
You can use the coverage calculator below to find out how much barkdust you need to order. Generally one unit covers approximately 1000 x 1200 square feet depending on roughness of the ground.
You can use the coverage calculator below to find out how much barkdust you need to order. Generally one unit covers approximately 1000 x 1200 square feet depending on roughness of the ground.
On average 2-3 years if put down at a 2-3 inch depth. Other factors include the slope of the landscape, and amount of traffic through the material.
Approximately 7.4 yards are in 1 unit
We carry 250 feet of hose on our trucks. We are able to reach up to 300 feet in most cases.
Three inches of barkdust gives you the same weed control without the extra effort. Plastic is not recommended because it prevents water from penetrating into the ground. It also traps air which can lead to moldy soil. Weed fabric makes it difficult to do more planting and still needs 2-3 inches of barkdust.
We clean up any over spray before we leave the job. The only exception is from dust sticking to the sidewalks/building due to a sprinkler system or rain, in which case we do the best we can with our back blowers to clean up. Some additional clean up may be needed with a water hose.
Here’s a video where we offer steps and recommendations to prepare.